How to Add Multiple Phone Numbers to a Contact on an iPhone

By Tim Hesse

Adding multiple numbers to a contact on an iPhone isn't much harder than adding them to a Rolodex.
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There are quite a few different ways to add multiple phone numbers to a contact on an iPhone. Three methods to know for everyday usage include adding phone numbers to existing contacts from the keypad, from the Contacts app and from a vCard, should someone send one to you via MMS.

Adding From the Keypad

Step 1

Launch the Phone app and press "Keypad."

Step 2

Type in the number you'd like to add then press the "Add Contact" icon located toward the lower-left of the screen, denoted by a bust with a plus sign.

Step 3

Choose "Add to Existing Contact," then select the contact from the list that appears. The Contacts app will display the name you chose with the number loaded into a form field below it. Tap on the number type field and select "mobile," "home," "work," "home fax," "work fax," "pager," "assistant," "car," "company main" or "radio" from the list. Your choice will populate in the form field. Tap on "save" to commit changes and return to the keypad.

Adding From the Contacts App

Step 1

Launch the Phone app and tap on "Contacts."

Step 2

Look through the list and tap on the contact to which you'd like to add an additional number.

Step 3

Tap on the "Edit" button in the top right hand corner of the screen. Tap on "add new phone," then use the keypad to type the number in the form field that appears. Tap on the field for number type and select the appropriate type from the list that appears. This will bring you back to the previous screen with the phone number and the phone number type populated into the form fields.

Step 4

Tap on the "Save" button. This will bring you back to the main info screen for this contact. Tap on the "Done" button to commit changes to your "Contacts" database.

Adding From a vCard Received via MMS

Step 1

Launch the "Messages" app and tap on the MMS containing the vCard. The iPhone will display an info page with the contents of the vCard.

Step 2

Tap "Add to Existing Contact" on the vCard's info page.

Step 3

Scroll through the list that appears and tap on the name of the contact to which you'd like to add the phone number(s) in the vCard. The iPhone will merge the information in the vCard with the existing contact in your database, then bring you back to the info page for the vCard. Press the "Home" button and launch your contacts to verify your changes.
