How to Add Initials to a Document in Acrobat

By Greg Lindberg

You can create portable document format, or PDF, files using the Adobe Acrobat software application. If you want to add authentication to a PDF form that you are working with, you can add a digital signature field to the file. The field consists of a text box that you can sign to show that you created the document, or you can also use the field to have others sign the document, if necessary. For example, you can add your initials to the document as your signature.

Open the Adobe Acrobat application on your computer and then click the "File" option. Click the "Open" option.

Select the PDF file you want to add a digital signature to and then click the "Open" button. Click the "Tools" option and then click the "Forms" option.

Click the "Digital Signature" option, and then use your mouse to draw a rectangle in the area where want the initials to appear.

Select the default name for the signature field or enter a new one into the "Digital Signature Properties" dialog box. Click the "Visible" option and then click the "Locked" option.

Click the "Close" button and then click on the signature field you created. Enter your initials into the text box and then press the "Enter" key on your keyboard.
