How Do I Access My Sympatico Email?

By C.D. Crowder

Access Sympatico email from home or on the go.
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Sympatico is a division of Canadian Web communications company Bell Canada. Sympatico provides access to both national and local Internet content along with personal website hosting, email through MSN and a variety of other Internet services. Bell provides you with two different ways to access your Sympatico email. Computers connected directly to your Bell Internet service access email through a special navigation bar. You can also check your email from Sympatico's website.

Sympatico Navigation Bar

Step 1

Open any browser window on a computer connected to the Bell Internet service.

Step 2

Click the “Mail & More” button in the Sympatico navigation bar.

Step 3

Log in if prompted.

Access from Anywhere

Step 1

Open a browser window on any Internet-connected computer and navigate to “”

Step 2

Click the “Sympatico Mail” button.

Step 3

Log in with your Sympatico ID and password.
