How to Find Reliance Landline's Address

By Shelley Smith

Updated September 26, 2017

Companies such as Reliance of India, which operate a business in another country, often have numerous physical addresses and telephone numbers. This makes locating their main address a bit more difficult. As a customer courtesy, Reliance of India and its subsidiary Reliance Landline want their phone numbers and addresses accessible to customers around the globe to be able to explain services, add services and answer any questions that potential customers may have.

Contact Reliance Landline by dialing 1-800-3000-7777. Ask for the physical address. Inform Reliance Landline that you have documents to send and you need the street address to have someone sign for the letter or parcel. Most shipping companies require a physical address and will not deliver to a post office box.

Contact Reliance Landline via email. Send inquiries about their address to [email protected].

Go to the Reliance of India website. (See Resources.) Locate the physical address under "Contact us." Also look under the "Customer care" tab at the top right of the website. The website lists a physical address in Mumbai, India. The complete address is on the website.

Use the Mumbai address for Reliance of India. Send all written communication to the Mumbai address.
