How to Delete Pictures From the Windows Picture & Fax Viewer
By Aaron Wein
Microsoft Picture and Fax Viewer comes pre-installed on Windows XP and Vista operating systems, and it is the default program for opening images on your PC. The application provides limited editing tools, such as the ability to rotate a photo, and you can delete the image that you are currently viewing. Use the software's toolbar to delete unwanted pictures from your computer.
View the photo that you wish to delete in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.
Click the red "X" under the photo. You'll be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the image.
Click "Yes." The picture is deleted.
You can delete files in bulk on your computer using convenient shortcuts. Open the folder containing multiple photos you wish to delete. Press "Ctrl" and click on each image you want to delete. Press the "Del" key and click "Yes." To select all images in the folder instantly, press "Ctrl-A."
Writer Bio
Aaron Wein is a copy editor for Skagit Valley Publishing. He has been a writer and editor since 2004, contributing to Washington-based publications and clients such as the "Bellingham Herald," "Western Athletics," "GNAC Sports" and Microsoft. Wein obtained a bachelor's degree in journalism from Western Washington University.