How to Align Text in OneNote

By John DeMerceau

OneNote takes the place of paper notes.
i Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

Microsoft OneNote is a powerful tool for business communications that are shared across a local network or accessed via the Internet. One of its advantages is that it enables you to arrange text and images so your work is easy for others to read and understand. One of these features is a familiar Microsoft text-editing interface. This interface enables you to highlight text and click on your choice of menu options to align one or more lines of text at left, right or central positions on a page.

Launch OneNote and click the "File" tab followed by "Open." Select and click the icon corresponding to the name of the notebook you want to open.

Click on any tab on the top of the notebook that signifies a text page. Highlight any text on the page that needs to be aligned.

Click the "Home" tab on the top OneNote ribbon toolbar to reveal the text editing toolbar. Click the paragraph alignment icon at the bottom right of the text arrangement icons to reveal a pull-down menu.

Click the "Align Left," "Center" or "Align Right" alignment option on the pull-down menu.

Check to see that the highlighted text is indeed aligned according to your choice. Adjust the margins if necessary by dragging either edge of the notebook text window if you're unhappy with the way the text is aligned. Otherwise select a different alignment option.

Click the "File" tab followed by "Save" to save your work.
