Disabling a Link on a Picture's Description on Tumblr

By Tammy Columbo

Edit, then republish your Tumblr photo posts to modify links and change content.
i Thinkstock Images/Stockbyte/Getty Images

When you create a Tumblr photo post, you can include a hyperlink in the Description field of the post. You can also include a click-through link that opens a new page when the user clicks the image. Disable the link in the post description by editing the original post. You can also disable the photo’s click-through link while the post is in Edit mode. However, you can only edit posts that you have created.

Disable Description Field Link

Open your Tumblr dashboard, then click the “Posts" tab in the right sidebar. Locate the post to edit.

Click the gear icon in the bottom toolbar of the post, then click “Edit.” The post opens in Edit mode.

Drag the cursor over the text of the link in the Description box, then click the broken chain icon in the post formatting toolbar. The hyperlink is removed from the description.

Click “Save” to save and republish the post.

Disable Click-Through Image Link

Open your Tumblr dashboard, then click the “Posts" tab in the right sidebar. Locate the post to edit.

Click the gear icon, then click the “Edit” option to open the post for editing.

Hover over the image to display the Link and X icons. Click the “X” icon to remove the click-through link from the photo.

Click “Save” to save and republish the post.


You can also change and add photos while editing one of your own photo posts. You can upload up to 10MB of image files in one Tumblr photo post.
