How to Delete a Craigslist Account & Re-Register

By Naomi Bolton

The classified advertising website Craigslist offers both free and paid posting account options. It is also possible to post adverts without an account, but this requires you to keep track of confirmation emails in order to alter or remove your adverts. Craigslist lacks an account deactivation option, so the only way to delete your account is to contact the site via email and request a removal. After your account is deleted, you can re-register for an account if you wish.

Contact Craigslist

To contact Craigslist directly, open the Contact form in your browser (link in Resources) and type the required details such as your name, email address and location. List "Account Termination" as the subject and explain why you want your account deleted in the "describe the issue" text input box. If you receive an automated response instead of a confirmation that your account has been removed, contact Craigslist at its "[email protected]" address and explain your situation. There is no guarantee that Craigslist will remove your account when contacted, so you can also delete all your posts and then never log in to your account again to let it expire.

Changing Email

If you want to use your Craigslist with a new email address, there is no reason to close your account first. Craigslist allows you to change the email address from the Settings tab of your account. Sign in to your account, click the "Change" link from the Settings tab and then specify the new address that you want to use. Craigslist sends a confirmation link to both your old and new accounts which you have to click within one hour of sending the change request. After both verification links have been clicked, your account is switched to the new email address. If you no longer have access to your old email address, Craigslist recommends that you create a new account with the new address.

Registering For a Free Account

To re-register your Craigslist account, open the account signup page (link in Resources) in your browser. Type the email address that you want to associate with your new account in the input box and click the "Create Account" button. An error message stating that there is already an account associated with the selected address is displayed if your previous account is not yet deleted. You either need to wait until the previous account is removed or use an alternate email address. Click the link in the email that is sent to the chosen email address to activate your new account.

Registering For a Paid Account

To register for a Craigslist Paid Posting account, open the sign-up form in your browser (link in Resources) and fill in the requested details. You are required to fill in all fields marked with a red asterisk in both the account information and billing information sections. After completing the form, Craigslist accounting staff will contact you to finalize payments and account activation. The registration process can take between one and seven business days to complete.
