Hiding the Captions on Tumblr Themes

By Jacob Michael

On many Tumblr themes, multimedia posts -- photo, video or audio -- include a caption underneath the image. If this look seems wrong for your blog, you can leave the caption text box blank. However, to permanently remove photo captions altogether from your blog, you need to edit the theme’s HTML code using the Tumblr theme editor.

Open the Tumblr website and log in to your Dashboard.

Click the gear icon, and then click the “Edit Theme” button.

Click the “Edit HTML” link to open your Tumblr theme’s HTML code.

Search for the "{block:Photo}" tag in the HTML code. To make it easier to find, press "Ctrl-F" to open the Find function, and then enter “{block:Photo}” (without quotes) into the search box.

Delete “{Caption}” between the "{block:Photo}" and "{/block:Photo}" tags.

Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for the "{block:Video}" and "{block:Audio}" sections to remove captions under video and audio posts.

Click the “Update Preview” button to preview your changes, and then click the “Save” button to save your changes.


Be careful when removing code; deleting the wrong thing could break your theme.
