Searching Twitter Tweets During a Time Period

By Kevin Lee

Twitter can help you filter searches by date.
i Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

When breaking news happens, you can learn about it in real time when people start talking about it on Twitter. Twitter has a powerful search engine that can help you search tweets that members have made. If you don't specify a date range in which to search, you'll get back all tweets that match your search query. Twitter has over a dozen search operators that can help narrow down your searches to zoom in on what you're looking for. Learn to use the date operators and you can find tweets that people sent during a certain time period.

Visit the Twitter's Search page and type a search term in the search box.

Press your space bar and type "since:" without the quotes. This is a search operator that helps you find tweets that have occurred since a certain date.

Press your space bar to create a space and type the date from which you want Twitter to begin its search. For instance, if you want to search since November 12, 2011, type 2011-11-12. Enter the date in year-month-day format as shown.

Click "Search" to find tweets that have occurred since the date you specified.


Ensure that you include the dashes between the year, month and day as shown.

Twitter's search also has an "until:" operator that works like the "since:" operator. If you want to view tweets that occurred up to a certain date, such as February 3, 2012, append until:2012-2-3 to the end of your search query.
