How to See What You've Asked on Tumblr
By Irene A. Blake
Whether you ask questions on other user’s blogs with your Tumblr username or anonymously, Tumblr doesn’t provide you with a record of past questions on your account. A question can only be seen again if the owner of the blog where you asked it chooses to provide you with an answer. When that happens, the question appears after the words “[Username] asked” or “Anonymous asked” in a private message or public post.
Check the Inbox
If a blog owner opts to answer your question privately, he will do so through Tumblr’s messaging system. On your Dashboard, click the envelope icon and scan any new messages in your inbox.
Review the Blog
When a blog owner chooses to publicly post your question and his answer to it, you must review his posts to find it. Go to the specific blog where you asked your question and scroll down through the most recent posts.
Anonymous questions are not attached in any way to a Tumblr account. If you submit a question anonymously and the blog owner chooses to answer it, you can only find it posted publicly.
Information in this article applies to Tumblr as of January 2014. It may vary slightly or significantly with later versions of the site.
Writer Bio
Based in Southern Pennsylvania, Irene A. Blake has been writing on a wide range of topics for over a decade. Her work has appeared in projects by The National Network for Artist Placement, the-phone-book Limited and GateHouse Media. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Shippensburg University.