How to Reblog on Your Secondary Blog on Tumblr

By Alan Sembera

Use reblogging to keep fresh content on your own blog.
i Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

When want to reblog something to your secondary blog on Tumblr, it may not be immediately apparent how to proceed. Tumblr sends all reblogs to your primary blog by default. However, reblogging to your secondary blog is simple once you know the trick -- you can even reblog posts from your own primary blog.

Find the Tumblr post you want to reblog.

Click the reblog button on the post. If you don't see a reblog button, open the post on its own page, and then click "Reblog" at the top of the page.

Click your Tumblr username at the top of the posting window to show a list of your secondary blogs. Select the secondary blog to which you want to repost.

Type any comments and tags you to want to add to the post, and then click the "Reblog Post" button to submit it to your secondary blog.
