Can You See What You Search on Tumblr?

By Andrea Ruiz

Tracking tags keeps you up to date with the latest content posted to the tag.
i Andrea Chu/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Tumblr's search function enables you to filter the search results by tag, post type and blog popularity, and you can also search for the most recent content tagged with specific search terms. While you can't view your search history on Tumblr, you can keep a list of search topics you've searched for and track the tagged search results for repeat future viewings.

Viewing Tracked Tags

If you have a Tumblr account, you can track the topics you search for by visiting the tag page, using the following syntax in the URL:

You must replace "search_topic" with the topic you're searching for, replacing any spaces in the topic title with hyphens. For example, you would use the following syntax to view the "free widgets" tag:

How to Track Tags

Clicking the "Track this tag" link in the main menu of a tag page enables you to quickly search for new posts added to your search term. You can also click the search field on your dashboard at any time and see a list of all the topics for which you've previously searched and tracked. Clicking the topic runs a current search on the latest posts tagged with that search topic. You can untrack a tag at any time by visiting the tag page and clicking "Untrack This Tag."
