How to Change the Title of a Post Text in Color on Tumblr

By Ruri Ranbe

Along with Hypertext Markup Language and Cascading Style Sheets, your blog theme includes special variables unique to Tumblr. The "{block:Title}," "{/block:Title}" and "{Title}" variables together render the title of your blog posts; if these tags are missing from your document code, none of the posts in your theme will include a subject line. To further personalize your theme, you can insert additional code into your page layout to modify the "{Title}" tag and change the color of the post title.

Log in to your account and then select the gear icon from the menu in the top right.

Choose your blog title from the list and then click the "Customize" button next to the Theme field.

Click "Edit HTML" in the Customize pane and then press "Ctrl-F" to open Find.

Type "{block:Title}" into the search bar and then press "Enter" until you locate code that resembles the following:


Surround the "{Title}" variable with the "<span>" and "</span>" tags, like so:


Add in-line CSS to the <span> tag to define the color of the post title:

<span style="color:[hex]">{Title}</span>

Replace "[hex]" with the hexadecimal color code for your preferred color, such as "#FFFFFF" for white.

Click "Update Preview" and then click "Save" to view and apply your changes.

Click the back arrow and the "Exit" button to return to the Tumblr Dashboard.


Color codes consist of six hexadecimal characters used to define the colors red, green and blue. Color codes are written in the following format: #RRGGBB. Visit HTML Color Codes (link in Resources) and then use the color chart or color picker to find the hex code for your preferred color.

You can also specify colors using their assigned color name, such as "Indigo" and "Grape." For example, "<span style="color: Indigo">" (without the surrounding quotation marks). Note that not all browsers support all color names. Visit Computer Hope (link in Resources) to see a comprehensive list of the colors you can use.
