How to Use a WPE Pro Ragnarok

By T.M. Wit

Updated September 22, 2017

WPE (Winsock Packet Editor) Pro is packet editing software for the game “Ragnarok.” WPE Pro intercepts packets that are being sent to and from the “Ragnarok” servers. WPE Pro is used to alter the packets sent in order to change the game variables. WPE Pro works with “Ragnarok Online” by creating filters that automatically change packets as you perform an action.

Launch WPE Pro.

Open “Ragnarok Online” and login to your account.

Press the “Play” button located in the Trace Console to begin sniffing (detecting) packets.

Press the “Stop” button on the Trace Console.

Press the “Actions Console” button to open the packet filtering menu.

Click the “Filters” tab then double-click on “Filter 1.”

Click “Search” and enter the packet you wish to modify.

Change the value of the packet you want to modify.

Uncheck “RECVFROM” and “RECV,” name your change then click “Apply.”

Click “On.” Then perform the action you modified. The action will now be modified.
