How to Disable "The Sims 3" Intro

By Seth Amery

Updated September 22, 2017

It's always nice to see the names of companies who brought you fun games like The Sims 3, but watching the intro gets a little boring after a while. To disable the intro, you'll need to modify the game, which requires installing the modding framework -- which includes disabled introductions by default.

Removing Company Logos and Introduction Movie

After downloading the mod framework for The Sims 3, open your Documents folder. Double-click "Electronic Arts," followed by "The Sims 3." Extracting the compressed file directly into the current folder will create a "Mods" folder and install two mods: No Intro and No Build Sparkles. These steps apply for both Windows 7 and Windows 8 users.

No further action is necessary for installation; just load the game and watch as you go right to the loading screen, bypassing the introduction movies.

If you miss the introduction movies and want to stop using the mod, just delete it from the "Mods" folder.

Redownloading the No Intro Mod

If you've deleted the mod and want to reacquire it, you don't need to download the entire framework again. There is a standalone version of the No Intro mod available from the Mod the Sims website; as an added bonus, the mod also removes the Maxis logo that appears in later expansions. After downloading the mod, place it into the "Mods" folder to complete installation.
