How to Transfer a Cable Signal Over Electrical Wiring

By David Lipscomb

Updated September 28, 2017

Items you will need

  • PLC adapters

  • Coaxial cable

Power line communications uses AC wires to transmit data.
i Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images

Power line communication is the process of allowing internet, computer network, or cable television signals to use existing alternating current (AC) lines. Leveraging the wiring present in every wall in every home using the HomePlug Standard, power line communication works to solve a variety of cabling issues. Using plug-in adapters, this process simply uses a different transmission frequency than those generated by AC power, bypassing interference and increasing convenience.

Screw the coaxial cable into the "RF IN" threaded leg on the side of the PLC adapter. Plug the PLC adapter into the wall, and turn it on.

Plug the secondary PLC adapter into the outlet closest to the device you are sending the signal to. Screw the second coaxial cable to the "RF OUT" leg of this adapter.

Screw the other end of the coaxial cable to the television or cable modem. Turn on the second PLC adapter.


Powerline adapters are also used for Ethernet and high definition video distribution.
