How to Find Out When a RedBox Is Due

By Matt Skaggs

Updated September 22, 2017

A Redbox rental station.
i Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Redbox movies and games do not have a specific due date, though additional charges will apply the longer you keep your items. You can keep your Redbox item up to the maximum rental period for your location (usually 17 days for movies and 23 days for games), in which case you will be charged the full price for the movie or game.

Rental Periods

The initial rental period extends to 9:00 p.m. the day after you rent your movie or game. You can keep your item for longer, though you will be charged for each additional day you have it. Redbox will charge for a full extra day if you return any item after 9:00 p.m, and if you keep your item beyond the maximum allowed rental period for your area, you will be charged the full price for it, usually $25 to $69, depending on the video or game.

Kiosk Returns

When you return a movie or game, you can return them to any Redbox kiosk, not just the one you rented it from.To locate nearby Redbox kiosks, you can use the Redbox locator website to find the best location for you, or you can use the Redbox mobile app to locate kiosks.
