How to Increase the Excitement Rating on a Roller Coaster in "RCT3"

By Louis Raczka

Updated September 22, 2017

Maximizing the Excitement Rating of a roller coaster is vital for success in
i Hemera Technologies/ Images

In "RollerCoaster Tycoon 3" (RCT3), every ride is assigned an "Excitement Rating." The higher a ride's Excitement Rating, the higher the fee riders have to pay for entry to the ride. Many RCT3 stages require you to build roller coasters that meet a minimum Excitement Rating. The initial Excitement Rating of a roller coaster is calculated from the design features of the roller coaster, but you increase the roller coaster's Excitement Rating by adjusting the roller coaster's operation settings and by building "Ride Events" linked to the roller coaster. Unfortunately, a roller coaster's Excitement Rating is only increased so much, and you must demolish the roller coaster and build a new roller coaster with a different design to dramatically increase your Excitement Ratings.


Click on the roller coaster with the Excitement Rating you wish to increase. Switch the roller coaster to Testing mode and click the "Operations" button in the roller coaster information panel in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Change the roller coaster's Lift Speed or Launch Speed setting in the Operations window of the roller coaster information panel by clicking the buttons marked with up and down arrows next to the roller coaster's Lift Speed or Launch Speed entry. High Lift Speed or Launch Speed increases a roller coaster's Excitement Rating, but the maximum Lift Speed or Launch Speed available to a roller coaster may be too fast and decreases the roller coaster's excitement rating.

Click the box next to the Low Friction setting in the Operations window of the roller coaster's control panel. Low Friction increases the performance of a roller coaster, but certain roller coasters do not benefit from low friction, and their Excitement Rating decreases if the Low Friction setting is toggled.

Click the "Vehicles" button in the roller coaster's information panel. Decrease the number of number of cars and trains on the roller coaster by clicking the buttons marked with down arrows next to the "Number of Cars" and "Number of Trains" entries. High numbers of cars and trains on roller coasters decreases a roller coaster's Excitement Rating due to sharp decelerations and waiting periods necessary to avoid collisions with other cars and trains on the roller coaster's track.

Click the "Scenery" button on the left side of the main gameplay screen, and then click the "Ride Events" button appearing to the left of the "Scenery" button, which brings up the list of available ride events. Click a ride event, such as the "T-Rex Attack" or "Temple Boulder," and move your mouse cursor to the side of the roller coaster's track. Rotate the ride event by pressing the "Z" key until the ride event faces the track, and then place the ride event by pressing the left mouse button when a section of the roller coaster's track is highlighted. The ride event triggers when the roller coaster car reaches the highlighted section of track, increasing the roller coaster's Excitement Rating.

Switch the roller coaster from Testing mode to Open mode. Click the "Test Results" button in the roller coaster's information panel. The roller coaster's new Excitement Rating is calculated once the first ride is complete, and the new Excitement Rating is higher than the previous Excitement Rating.
