How Do I Download Music Off of YouTube?

By Keith Patrick

Updated September 28, 2017

Most Youtube conversion sites charge no fee for their services.
i Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images

Many music fans use Youtube to listen to their favorite bands or discover new artists. You can download music from Youtube using conversion sites such as ListenToYoutube, Youtube MP3 and VidToMP3. These pages will extract audio files from Youtube videos and convert the audio to an MP3 format. Users are then free to download the MP3 file to their computer and upload it to an MP3 player. Such sites as VidToMP3 can also be used to download full videos from Youtube.

Download Using VidToMP3

Open an Internet browser and navigate to the Youtube video you wish to download. Click the URL address of the page. Click "Edit" and then select "Copy."

Visit the VidToMP3 Web page at Scroll down to the mid-point of the home page.

Click the address bar with "Download" next to it. Select "Edit" and then click "Paste."

Click the "Download" button next to the address bar.

Click the "Download MP3" button on the new page. The MP3 file from the video will begin downloading to your computer. The file will be saved in the folder you've chosen for Internet downloads from your Web browser.

Download Using ListenToYoutube

Run an Internet browser application on your computer. Navigate to the Youtube video you want to download. Click the address bar of the browser. Make sure the entire URL address has been highlighted. Click "Edit" and then select "Copy."

Navigate to the Listen To Youtube webpage at Click the address bar in the middle of the page.

Select "Edit" and then select "Paste." The Youtube URL will appear in the address bar.

Click the "Go" button to the right of the address bar.

Click the "Download MP3" link in the new page. The MP3 download will begin automatically.

Download Using Youtube MP3

Open an Internet browser application on your computer. Navigate to the Youtube page containing the MP3 you want to download. Click the URL address bar in your browser. Select "Edit" and then choose "Copy."

Visit the Youtube Mp3 webpage at Click the address bar on the page. Click "Edit" and then choose "Paste."

Click the "convert video" button next to the address bar.

Click the "Download" link that appears under the video title and length. The MP3 download will begin automatically and save the file to your computer.
