What Causes a Weak Cable Signal From Comcast?
By David Lipscomb
Updated September 28, 2017
Comcast is a major cable service provider. But like with most providers, the cable feed delivering television and broadband Internet services may experience degradation. This can happen anywhere from the jack on your wall to Comcast’s local hub in your region. Some of the solutions for fixing a weak Comcast cable signal are do-it-yourself in nature, while others may require a technician to troubleshoot.
Poor Coax
Check the coaxial cable coming from the wall jack. This includes the secondary lines attached to the cable boxes, and those leading to the television. Make sure each cable connector is screwed tight to their respective connectors by rotating them clockwise, by hand. Wiggle the coaxial cables to see if it moves free of the connector. This should not happen. Replace any cables that exhibit this type of behavior.
Too Many Splits
It's common to have a main splitter in the basement or lower level, to distribute the incoming feed to multiple sets. However, it is poor practice to have additional splitters after the first. Remember that each split experiences a three-decibel reduction in strength from the original. Remove any additional splitters upstream of the first, and ensure the connections are tight on the main split in the basement or lower level. If additional splits cannot be avoided, it may be necessary to have an amplifier installed to help mitigate the losses incurred through splitting the signals.
Damaged Feed Line
Damage to the main feed line entering the structure often stems from chewing animals, improper digging practices and general degradation. Outside the structure, the feed line is the province of Comcast. Call a service tech to check the main feed line if all the coaxial cables inside the structure are sound.
Service Interruption
Contact you local Comcast office to see if a service interruption is being experienced in your area. This is the typical cause of intermittent or total service interruption, if all cabling is sound. Many times, this is simply due to routine service or work done at your local distribution hub in your neighborhood.
Writer Bio
David Lipscomb is a professional writer and public relations practitioner. Lipscomb brings more than a decade of experience in the consumer electronics and advertising industries. Lipscomb holds a degree in public relations from Webster University.