How to Import Drum Kits to Cubase
By Matthew Badger
Updated September 22, 2017
Items you will need
Cubase LE production software
Mac OS X or Windows operating system
VST plug-in for drum kit (Dynamic Link Library format,".dll" file extension)
Cubase LE is a Steinberg music production software and is equipped with industry-standard recording features and technology. Drum kits that are imported into a recording program, such as Cubase LE, are defined as Virtual Studio Technology, VST, plug-ins. Virtual drum kits offer a variety advantages to digital music production, specifically when the songwriter isn't a skilled drummer or doesn't possess the means to record a desired drum mix. When uploaded to a new system, Cubase LE includes an Operation Manual for reference in the "Documentation" section of the Steinberg applications folder.
Import With Windows
Close the Cubase LE program before attempting to import the VST plug-in.
Click on and open the "Program Files" folder on the computer's hard drive. Click on and open the folder labeled "Steinberg." Navigate to the Cubase LE application folder, and click on it to open it.
Click on and drag the VST file with the extension ".dll" into the "VSTPlugins" folder in the Cubase LE application folder.
Click on and re-launch Cubase LE. The drum kit effects appear on the "Effect" pop-up menus.
Import With Mac OS X
Close Cubase LE before attempting to import the VST plug-in.
Navigate to and click the "Home" folder to open it.
Type in "/Library/Username/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/" into the path text box.
Click on drag the plug-in file into the "/Library/Username/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/" folder.
Click on and re-launch Cubase LE. The drum kit effects appear on the Effect pop-up menus.
If the VST plug-in came with its own download application, read the attached documentation and follow the steps provided for that specific VST.
Writer Bio
Matt Badger has been writing professionally since 2010, contributing to various websites. Badger has a Bachelor of Science in biology from the University of Washington.