How to Make Visual Boy Advance Run Faster

By Michael E Carpenter

Updated September 22, 2017

Visual Boy Advance is a game emulator system that plays Nintendo Game Boy Advance games from the past. A game emulator allows you to play games on the computer rather than the original gaming system, giving you a larger screen. A common issue with the Visual Boy Advance emulator is that games may drag and play too slowly. This can cause issues when timing is important. Fixing the issue requires changing the settings within the Visual Boy Advance system and your computer.

Turn off filters that are being used by going to "Options," located in the gray toolbar at the top of the emulator. Select "Filter." From the "Filter" screen, select "None." Go back to "Options," select "Interframe Bleeding" and select "None" from the drop-down menu.

Reduce the video rendering on the emulator. The more pixels that the emulator has to render, the slower the emulator will run. Go to "Options," then "Video" and select the "x1" option, which is the lowest setting.

Disable rendering effects on the emulator. The more effects required, the slower the system. Go to "Options" then "Video" and "Disable SFX" to disable the rendering effects on the emulator.

Increase frame skipping by going to "Options," then "Frame Skip" and "#." Start by entering a small number. Allowing certain frames to be skipped will allow for a faster speed. Skipping too many frames may cause a choppiness in the game play. Game music also may be affected by frame skipping. Change the volume to "Mute" to avoid hearing choppy music being played.

Upgrade your Visual Boy Advance software. Go to the VBA website to upgrade any software (see Resources). Periodically, VBA offers updates that will help smooth out any performance issues.
