How to Fix a Manual Pull-Down Projector Screen

By Brenda Barron

Updated September 28, 2017

Fix your pull-down projector screen for better viewing.
i projector ready for presentation image by Dmitry Goygel-Sokol from

When a projector screen requires repair, the issue is often quite simple. In fact, the most common problem with manual pull-down screens occurs when the screen gets stuck while rolled up. Dealing with this can be frustrating, but you can fix the problem in just a few minutes.

Grab the bottom of the projector screen and pull down. If it locks up, pull more gently.

Let the screen roll up into the tube at the top until only the metal handle is sticking out.

Reach up and grab the metal handle. Pull on it gently until the screen unrolls. Maintain even pressure while pulling down to prevent the screen from catching on anything or locking once again.

Unroll the screen until it is fully extended. Let go of the handle gently and allow the screen to roll back up slightly until it locks. If it doesn't lock, repeat steps 1 to 3 until it does.
