How to Print Out Fortune Cookie Sayings

By Christina Shaffer

Updated September 22, 2017

Use your computer printer to make fortune cookie messages.
i fortune cookie image by Annett Goebel from

For many people, breaking open a fortune cookie and reading your message is a highly enjoyable experience. If you’re planning to make fortune cookies, there are a handful of websites that specialize in providing fortune cookie messages. Whether you’re looking for funny, motivational or general quotes, you can print a variety of fortunes and insert them into your freshly baked fortune cookies.

Choose a website that offers free fortune cookie quotes, such as, or Depending on the site you choose, you will have the option to print them directly from the site or copy and paste them into a word document.

Click on your web browser’s “File” tab and select “Print” if you have the option to print an entire sheet of fortune cookie messages from your chosen website.

Open Microsoft Word if you do not have the option to print directly from the website. Using your mouse, highlight all of the fortune cookie sayings on your chosen website page. Right-click your selected text and choose “Copy” from the context menu.

Right-click an area in your blank word document and select “Paste.” The fortune cookie sayings will be inserted in your document.

Click on the Microsoft Office button and select “Print.” After printing your document, use scissors or paper cutter to cut out each individual message.
