How to Turn on Closed Captioning on DirecTV

By John Michael Hampton

Updated September 22, 2017

A DirecTV receiver is required to utilize the subtitles feature.
i Nick M Do/Photodisc/Getty Images

Instead of traditional closed captioning, DirecTV has a feature called Subtitles. With this feature, according to the DirecTV website, "You get the same text as standard closed captioning, but it's now easier to read and more visually appealing." DirecTV advocates this feature not just for the hearing impaired, but also in noisy areas and in situations where it is desirable to have the audio turned down on the television.

How to Activate Subtitles (Closed Captioning) on DirecTV

Find a channel that is broadcasting a television program at the time.

Find and press the yellow button on the remote control.

Highlight and select the option for subtitles.


According to the DirecTV website, this feature will work for receivers H21, H23, HR20, HR21, HR23 and R22.
