How to Print 5x7 Cards

By Emma Lee

Updated September 28, 2017

Items you will need

  • Computer

  • 5-by-7 note card

  • Printer

Note cards print up quickly and neatly.
i note card image by Richard Seeney from

Note cards are extremely useful at home or school. Messy handwriting doesn’t need to be a problem when text can be printed directly onto a note card. Cards are available in an assortment of colors, which is helpful to divide and sort recipes. Font size can also be changed to accommodate the user of the card.

Open a blank Word document on your computer.

Click on “Page Layout” in the top left side of the document screen. Options will appear under the Page Layout tab.

Click on “Margins” to open a drop-down box. Margins will default to “normal,” however, to have more print space, select “narrow.”

Click on “Orientation” and select either "Portrait" or "Landscape." The picture next to the word will help you decide which is suitable for your needs. Landscape is used most often for note cards.

Click on “Size” to open the drop-down box. Select the option for 5-by-7.

Type the text into the blank document. The text will automatically open another blank 5-by-7 document if the text extends past the first card.

Insert the note card into the printer so the text will show on the side of the card without lines. This will vary depending on the printer.

Click on the top button in the left corner. Select "Print" from the drop-down box. A pop-up box will appear on the screen.

Open the “Scale to Paper Size” option and select the 5-by-7 box.

Click the “Print” button to start the printing process.
