How to Do a Super Move in "NBA Ballers: Chosen One"

By Elyse James

Updated September 22, 2017

i video game control pad image by Paul Hill from

You can complete up to 30 different Super Moves in NBA Ballers: Chosen One. The Super Moves can be divided into four types: Jukes, Steals, Shots, Block Shots and Dunks. Jukes and Steals are the easiest moves, and they are considered to be level one Super Moves. Shots and Block Shots are a bit harder and are considered to be level two Super Moves. Dunks is the most difficult and is a level three Super Move.

Super Steals and Jukes

Use aggressive offense and defense along with cool combo moves to make your Super Meter reach level one.

Press and hold the right and left trigger buttons simultaneously.

Walk up to your opponent and press the X button. Your player will then perform the appropriate Super Juke or Super Steal.

Super Shots

Use aggressive offense and defense along with cool combo moves to make your Super Meter reach level two.

Press and hold the right and left trigger buttons simultaneously.

Press the B button and your player will complete the Super Shot.

Super Blocks

Use aggressive offense and defense along with cool combo moves to make your Super Meter reach level two.

Press and hold the right and left trigger buttons simultaneously.

Press the Y button and your player will perform a Super Block.

Super Dunks

Use aggressive offense and defense along with cool combo moves to make your Super Meter reach level three.

Move your player inside the Shut 'Em Down circle.

Press and hold the right and left trigger buttons simultaneously.

Press the B button and your player will perform a Super Dunk.


After you perform a Super Move, your opponent has a brief opportunity to counter your move. Super Jukes can be countered with Super Steals. Super Shots and Dunks can be countered with Super Blocks.

Just because your Super Meter is at a certain level, it does not mean you have to perform that level of move. For example, if you reach level three you could perform two consecutive moves: a level one move and a level two move.
