How to Connect a PS3 Controller to an XBox
By Sergio Bonilla
Updated September 22, 2017
Items you will need
XCM Cross Fire converter for Xbox 360
Wired PS3 controller
Wired Xbox 360 controller
Xbox 360 console
Yes, those Xbox 360 controllers can be quite annoying to use. Luckily, Xbox enthusiasts can use the PlayStation 3 controller on Xbox 360 games instead. No, it isn't magic, and it is not illegal. This is an ideal way to use the PS3 controller while still enjoying Xbox 360 game titles.
Connect the XCM Cross Fire converter to the Xbox 360 console. Connect the Xbox 360 controller to the XCM Cross Fire converter's port.
Press the right trigger or RT button located on the Xbox 360 controller a few times. This is the shooting button in first-person shooting games. Move up the button labeled RT on the XCM Cross Fire converter by one level.
Press the RT button on the Xbox 360 controller one or two more times. Move up the RT button on the XCM converter once again. The button on the converter should be at the very top. Press the RT button on the Xbox 360 one or two more times.
Unplug the Xbox 360 controller from the converter. Plug the PS3 controller into the converter and press the R2 button located on the PS3 controller.
Rotate the right analog stick on the PS3 controller clockwise or counterclockwise once. Move the Tilt button on the XCM converter to the "R" level. Rotate the left analog stick and move the Tilt button on the converter to the "L" level.
Read the instructions on the XCM Cross Fire converter. This is mostly for first-person shooting games but can be used for all games.
Writer Bio
Sergio Bonilla began writing professionally in 2009 for "The Miami Herald." His work has been published in the "Palm Beach Post" and "The Sun-Sentin el." He enjoys writing about sports and edits articles online. Bonilla received aBachelor of Science in communications from Florida International University.