How to Delete the Registry Key for Kaspersky
By Ki West
Updated September 28, 2017
Kapersky Lab offers a variety of software products including an anti-virus program. Once a Kapersky Lab product is installed on your computer, it shouldn’t be uninstalled through “Add and Remove Programs” in the Control Panel. Uninstalling a program in this way will usually leave parts of the program on your computer, which can cause errors when installing another program. Kapersky Lab provides a removal tool on their website to completely uninstall their software. However, if you’ve already uninstalled a Kapersky Lab program using the “Add and Remove Programs,” you can’t use the removal tool. You’ll need to manually remove the Kapersky registry keys.
Click “Start” and then “Run.” In the “Open” box, type “regedit” and click “OK.” The Registry Editor will open a box that is divided into two sections. On the left side, scroll down until you find this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” and double-click on it, which opens this section. Scroll down to “Software” and double-click on it, and then to “Microsoft” and double-click on it. Go to “Windows” and double-click on it and then to “Current Version.” Scroll down to “Uninstall” and right-click on “Uninstall.” Pull down to “Export.” The “Export Registry File” box will open. Click “Desktop” in the left panel of this box. Type “Uninstall” into the “File Name” box and click “Save.”
Scroll down in the “Uninstall” folder until you find “Kapersky.” Double-click on the “Kapersky” folder to open the section on the right side of the “Registry Editor” box. Confirm that the name shown in "DisplayName” is “Kapersky.” Right-click on the file on the left-hand side of the “Registry Editor” box and go down to “Delete.” Removing the file is automatic. Deletion of the wrong key can be corrected by double-clicking the “Uninstall” file you just created on your desktop.
Close all the folders that were open in the “Registry Editor” so that only five folders are showing. Click “My Computer” to highlight it. Click the “Edit” tab and scroll down to “Find.” Insert “Kapersky” in the “Find What” box. Click “Find Next.” If results contain “Kapersky,” run a registry cleaner like Regcleaner or another one you have.
Reboot the computer system by clicking “Start” and then “Turn Off Computer.” Count to 10 before turning the computer back on.
Confirm deletion of the “Kapersky” key by going to the “Registry Editor.” Click “Start” and then “Run.” In the “Open” box, type “regedit” and click “OK.” Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Uninstall. Scroll down to the “Kapersky” registry key, which should be gone.