How to Send Photos to the Weather Channel
By Caroline Goddard
Updated September 22, 2017
Items you will need
Computer with Internet connection
Digital file of photo on your computer
Email address
You have amazing photos of a huge storm that hit your town yesterday, but what should you do with them? Share them with the world through the Weather Channel! Through the channel's iWitness Weather website you can send photos to the Weather Channel and share them with millions of other people. This simple process should take you less than 10 minutes.
How to Send Photos to the Weather Channel
Sign up for an iWitness Weather account at the Weather Channel's iWitness Weather website.
Click on "Upload," then "Photos" from your iWeather home page. You will be directed to this page immediately upon registering for your account or signing in.
Click on the button that says "Choose File" on the Photo Upload page. Select your photos from the list of your computer files.
Add a title, photo location and category to your photo in the areas provided. You may also add a short description, the date the photo was taken and tags to make it easier for others to find your photo.
Click the orange "Upload" button. Your photo will be submitted for review prior to posting. You will receive an email upon approval.
You can register for an iWitness Weather account using your existing Facebook account by following the onscreen instructions. Videos can be uploaded as well; just click "Upload" then "Video" from the iWitness home page.
Read the Terms of Service carefully. Any registered user can share and download your photos. By uploading your photos to this service you give up any right to be compensated for their use.
Writer Bio
Writer and photographer Caroline Goddard tells stories in multiple mediums. Based in Phoenix, AZ, her frequent travels allow for a broader perspective on her subjects. She has a Bachelor's degree in business and has run her copywriting and photography studio since 2005, where she writes for such publications as Eat Fresh Arizona and