How to Print Checks From Print Forms in Windows

By Charlie Gaston

Updated September 28, 2017

Items you will need

  • Checking account number

  • Routing number

Microsoft Word provides templates you can use to create personal checks.
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Microsoft makes it easy to print personal check forms, which are available as part of Microsoft’s online and offline bank of customized templates. Complete the personal check form as directed and then cut along the dotted line. Because you’ve already entered the necessary information, you only need to take the personal check form to your financial institution and order a new set of personal checks or use the personal checks for purchases.

Click on the “File” button, which is at the top of the menu bar in Windows Word. A drop-down menu will appear.

Click “New” and wait for a pop-up window to appear.

Click on the “Form” button, which is in the left margin.

Select “Personal Checks” from the drop-down menu.

Scroll down the templates and find “Personal Checks.”

Click on the “Payee” text box. Delete “Payee” and enter the name of the payee.

Scroll to the right-side of your computer screen and click on “Amount” text box. Delete “Amount” and enter the numerical amount of the check in dollars and cents. For example, enter “$20.00.”

Scroll down to the “Word Amount” text box, which is under the “Payee” text box. Delete “Word Amount” and enter the word amount. For example, enter “Twenty dollars.”

Scroll down to the bottom of the template and click on the “Memo” box. Delete “Memo” and enter a memo. For example, enter “Repayment for July 2010 renovations.”

Click inside the “Date” text box and highlight the default date, which may be incorrect. Click “Delete” and enter a date for the check. Write out the month and enter the numerical day and year. For example, enter “July 23, 2010.”

Move your mouse pointer to the top-right margin and enter the name and address that is currently on file with your financial institution. If your address has changed, but has not been updated with your financial institution, add the correct information in the “Address Correction” text box, which is to the right of the top-right margin.

Write out your first, middle and last name (as it appears on your account), skip down one line and then enter your street address. Skip down and enter you city, state and ZIP code.

Follow the same format if using the “Address Correction” lines.

Enter your bank's routing number starting from the left-side of the bottom margin. Leave a space and then enter your account number, entering each digit from left to right. Enter a check number.


Double-check your account number before printing your check. You can enter your financial institution's street address on the print form. Typically, this information is entered above the memo line. Set your right margin to 0" and your left margin to 0.25-inches. Set the paper size for your personal check form to 6.25 inches by 2.75 inches.


Not all retailers will accept personal checks printed from Windows, especially if the check has an out-of-state address.
