How Can I Get My Sprint Phone to Work for Metro PCS?

By Michaele Curtis

Updated September 28, 2017

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Although Sprint PCS provides nationwide coverage and a large selection of mobile phones, it isn’t the most economical mobile phone provider on the market. MetroPCS, another mobile provider that uses the same type of network, is a cheaper option for customers who don’t need nationwide coverage or the latest mobile phone handset. If you choose the switch to MetroPCS from Sprint PCS, you can take your mobile phone with you, but you have to install the correct programming to the handset.

Login to MySprint on your computer’s web browser. Click “My Online Tools” at the top of the page and then click “Sprint Mobile Sync” in the popup menu that appears. Open the export contacts feature on the My Contacts page. Click “Export contacts,” browse for a secure location on your computer and click “Save.”

Verify that your Sprint PCS phone is compatible with the MetroPCS network. (See Reference 2) Locate the nearest MetroPCS store and verify that they provide MetroFLASH services at that location.

Take your Sprint PCS phone into the MetroPCS store. Explain that you need your phone flashed and activated on the MetroPCS network. Pay any fees associated with these services.

Login to MetroBACKUP from the MetroPCS website. Open the import contacts feature and follow the screen prompts to upload the backup file you created in Step 1. Download MetroBACKUP to your cell phone by clicking the icon from your handset. Follow the screen prompts to restore those contacts to your handset.

Contact Sprint PCS to cancel your service contract with them. Pay any fees associated with cancellation.


Some of the MetroPCS features may not work on your newly flashed cell phone, depending on the phone model. Contact MetroPCS customer service if you have any questions about what features will and won’t be available to you after flashing and activating your phone.
