How Do I Skip Levels on Call of Duty 4?
By Vincent Runyon
Updated September 22, 2017
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a departure from the rest of the Call of Duty series. While previous installments were firmly based in World War II, this sequel takes place in the present. The player takes on the roles of an American in the Middle East and a British special services soldier. The game also holds quite a few secrets, such as enemy intelligence, and to access these, you'll need to know how to skip around levels.
Play through the game. There is absolutely no way for you to skip levels to begin the game. The only way to get the ability to skip a level is by beating it first. To make this job easier, play through the game on Recruit, the game's lowest difficulty level.
After playing through the game, restart it. You can either do this by starting the game up again or by waiting until it shifts back to the game's main menu after the credits.
Go to "Mission Select," the third option from the top in the main menu.
Select your mission. In this menu, you can select the mission and then select what difficulty you want it on.
In order to skip levels while playing the multiplayer mode of Call of Duty 4, press the vote to skip button while in the multiplayer lobby.
Writer Bio
Vincent Runyon is a writer working out of Portland, Ore. His work has been featured in "The Oregon Voice" and "Portland Monthly." Runyon received two bachelor's degrees from the University of Oregon. His greatest passions are traveling to new and different places and enjoying a good basketball game. Usually the two are mutually exclusive.