How to Move a Boulder in Virtual Villagers in a New Home

By Matthew Anderson

Updated September 22, 2017

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“Virtual Villagers: A New Home” is an island simulation game on Windows and Macintosh computers. Players must manage the needs of refugees stranded on a remote island. The game includes 16 puzzles for the player to solve. The final puzzle for most players is moving the boulder. This puzzle requires the player to acquire the Golden Child through other puzzles before the player can complete this puzzle.

Research the Construction skill for your village to level 2.

Drag a villager to the rocks blocking the creek located on the northwest section of the island. The villager will automatically begin removing the rocks. This puzzle in “Virtual Villagers: A New Home” will cause water to flow down the creek when completed.

Research the Construction skill for your village to level 3.

Drag a villager to the temple ruins. He or she will automatically begin to clean up the area. This puzzle will be completed when the temple is fully restored.

Research the Spirituality skill for your village to level 3.

Drag a villager with builder set as his or her job to the shiny rock located to the west of the village. This puzzle will be completed when the builder finishes carving the idol.

Research the Fertility skill for your village to level 3.

Drag a nursing villager (only possible for female villagers) to the lagoon. This will cause the Golden Child to be born.

Wait until the Golden Child moves the boulder. This will occur automatically.


There is no way in “Virtual Villagers: A New Home” to speed up the time it takes until the Golden Child moves the boulder to solve the final puzzle. This appears to happen after a random amount of time after the Golden Child's birth.

Do not neglect the health and food supply of your village when working to complete puzzles. It is better to make sure that your village has plenty of food and a skilled doctor before focusing on island exploration.
