How to Run a Bin File in Windows

By Jason Candanedo

Updated September 28, 2017

Items you will need

  • PowerISO software

  • BIN file

i Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

CD-ROM/DVD-ROM disks can be saved in the BIN file format. BIN files are duplicate image files that have the entire contents of the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM disc in the convienience of a small file. Virtual copies of your disks are saved on your computer via BIN files, in case something happens to your hard disks. Free software such as PowerISO runs the BIN file format under Windows.

Download PowerISO.

Install the PowerISO software onto your computer by following installation instructions.

Run the PowerISO software by double-clicking on the program desktop icon.

Click the “Mount” icon, located on the top menu of the program. The virtual drives that PowerISO installed onto your computer will display in the resulting drop-down menu.

Choose the virtual drive that you want to use to run your BIN file.

Click the “Mount Image” option in the next menu.

Select the BIN file that you want to run in the browse dialog box. Click on the "OK" button in the dialog box. PowerISO will mount the BIN file. The BIN file will automatically run.


Daemon Tools and Alcohol 120 percent are virtual drive programs that perform very much like the PowerISO program.
