How to Fix a Nunchuk for the Wii

By Deb Katula

Updated September 22, 2017

i Heather Milward/Demand Media

Not all problems with a broken Wii nunchuk are related to overactive or overly aggressive use. In many instances, the nunchuk simply needs to be reset. Before you panic, try these simple troubleshooting tips.

i Heather Milward/Demand Media

Use the Wii nunchuk only on games that display the nunchuk symbol. The nunchuk will only work on games designated for its use. Otherwise, it will be inactive.

i Heather Milward/Demand Media

Make sure that the Wii nunchuk is properly connected. If it is not receiving adequate power, it will not function properly. Push the connectors solidly into the Wii remote control. Make sure the connection between the Wii nunchuk and Wii remote is clean. Clean out any grime with rubbing alcohol.

i Heather Milward/Demand Media

Change the batteries in your Wii remote. The nunchuk is powered from there and low battery power will cause problems.

i Heather Milward/Demand Media

Keep the control stick on the Wii nunchuk in the neutral position when you plug it into the Wii remote, turn on the Wii console or when moving between or starting Wii channels. The Wii nunchuk control neutral position is the position the control stick is in when you are not operating it. Moving the nunchuk control stick during any of these operations can cause the game to operate incorrectly.

i Heather Milward/Demand Media

Reset the Wii nunchuk control stick. Return the nunchuk to the control position. Push buttons A, B, plus(+) and minus(-) on the remote at the same time. Hold for three seconds. This should solve a problem with the control stick.

i Heather Milward/Demand Media

Fix the problem of characters moving erratically or a delay in character movement by recalibrating the Wii nunchuk. Return the nunchuk to neutral position. Unplug the nunchuk from the remote control, wait a few seconds and replug the nunchuk back into the remote.
