How to Remove Unwanted EXE Files

By James Johnson

Updated September 28, 2017

The .EXE file type on your computer allows you to "Execute" a program or install a new application on your PC. There may be times, however, when you no longer require a specific program and therefore want to delete the .EXE file; luckily, this is a very simple process that can be handled in two distinct ways.

Remove .EXE Files Using "Add/Remove Programs"

Click on your Windows "Start" button at the bottom left hand side of your computer screen.

Click on "Control Panel" under the Start Button options screen.

Double Click on your left mouse button when you're hovering over the "Add or Remove Programs" icon on Windows XP or over the "Programs" icon via Windows Vista. You can also right click over the icon and then left click on "Open."

Find the program within your "Add Remove or Programs" folder that contains the .EXE file. For instance, will require removing the Adaware application from the list that appears.

Click on "Uninstall" or "Remove" once you have found the program you want to remove.

Follow the uninstall steps, and the entire program will be removed, including the program's .EXE file.

Remove .EXE Files Within Using The App Uninstall Option

Find the .EXE file by navigating to the file's program folder. For instance, you may click on "My Computer," go to Program Files, and the find the program that contains the .EXE file.

Click on your right mouse button and under the option, click on "Delete." You will be asked if you are sure that you want to delete the file from your computer- click "Yes." You can also drag the .EXE file directly to your recycle bin icon and then click "yes" to send the file to your recycle bin.

Go to your recycle bin and open it by double clicking on your left mouse button; in the recycle bin, choose the .EXE file and right click on the file with your mouse. Then choose the delete option to fully remove the .EXE file.


Removing .EXE files without fully removing the applications they are associated with can cause system errors to occur; it is highly recommended that you use the first option found on this page to avoid any future issues.
