How to Find a German Address
By Constance Ortwein
The fastest way to search for a German address is to go directly to a German website. Even if you don't speak German, the websites indicate where to type in the search terms that will result in the address you're looking for.
Perform a search on the Google website for Germany (see Resources). Type the name of the person or establishment you seek in the box above the words “google suchen” (German for “Google Search”) and “Auf gut Glück” (German for “I’m feeling lucky”). For example, if you are searching for “Hofbräuhaus München,” type the name of that establishment into the box.
Locate an address at Go Yellow (see Resources) for addresses, telephone numbers and directions. Enter the name you are searching for in the “Suche nach” (“search for”) box. For example, type in “Hofbräuhaus München,” and a list of restaurants with that name will result. The list contains separate websites that you can review to be certain you have obtained the correct address. To limit the search further, enter the town, city or zip code in the “wo” (“where”) box.
Translate a German address as follows. The address search result from Hofbräuhaus München resulted in Platzl 9, 80331 München. “Platzl” is the street name, and “9” the house number. “80331” is the zip code, and “München” the name of the city in which the establishment is located.
If you do not know how to type the umlauts (the letters that have the two dots above them) or what’s called a sharp S (ß), they can be replaced as follows: ä with ae, ö with oe, ü with ue, and ß with ss. For example, the search for “Hofbräuhaus München” could be typed as “Hofbraeuhaus Muenchen” to obtain the address of that establishment.
Use Google translate if you want to translate more information you obtain from your search. If you have a Google toolbar, under the "Search" button, click "Manage," then "Tools." Under "Tools" is a translate section that you can check off and indicate which language you want to translate from and into.
Writer Bio
Constance Ortwein has been writing professionally since 2010. Her articles focus on skiing and parenting topics. Ortwein's work has appeared in various online publications. She obtained her Juris Doctor from the University of Widener Law School and a Bachelor of Science in fashion merchandising with a concentration in German from the University of Vermont.