How to Go to the Main Menu on a Nintendo DS (8 Steps)

By Matt Skaggs

You can use your DS on your computer monitor.
i Monitor image by Caila from

The Nintendo DS is a handheld gaming system with a plethora of features and games. Among other options, the system itself allows you to connect to Wi-Fi networks and to communicate with other DS players on PictoChat, a visual chat program. Unlike other Nintendo products, you cannot use buttons on the DS as a shortcut to reach the main menu, but there are only a few steps you can take to get there whether the DS is powered off or you're in the middle of a game.

When the DS is Off

Step 1

Press the power switch to turn on the DS.

Step 2

Wait just a moment for the DS to power up.

Step 3

Tap the screen when the health and safety warning displays. You are now at the main menu where you can start playing a game, start using PICTOCHAT, download games or change user settings.

When You're Playing a Game

Step 1

Save your game if you need to. When you return to the main menu, you'll lose any unsaved progress.

Step 2

Press and hold the power switch. This will turn off your DS.

Step 3

Wait a moment and press the power switch again to turn on the DS.

Step 4

Give the DS a second or two to completely start up.

Step 5

Tap the stylus anywhere on the screen after you see warning for health and safety. The main menu appears and you may use any of the options listed.
