How to Enable ActiveX in Google Chrome

By Nicholas Johnson

Install ActiveX From an Unknown Publisher
i Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

ActiveX protocols are a set of reusable software pieces which are only available through the use of Internet Explorer. However, the IE Tab Extension for Google Chrome allows the use of a special "IE Tab," an emulation of Internet Explorer within the Chrome application. The IE Tab displays a second address bar and processes ActiveX protocols normally. Enabling ActiveX protocols allows Chrome users access to a variety of interactive dynamic websites like game and business web applications.

Step 1

Open Chrome and navigate the browser to the IE Tab extension page.

Step 2

Locate and click the "Add to Chrome" button at the top-right of the screen.

Step 3

Click "Continue" when the download dialog box opens at the bottom of the screen.

Step 4

Click "Install" when the dialog box opens after the download is finished. An IE Tab icon will appear next to the address bar and inform you when it is finished installing.

Step 5

Click the IE Tab icon to open a new tab with an Internet Explorer address bar. The tab interfaces with Internet Explorer, allowing Chrome to use ActiveX extensions.

Step 6

Navigate to a website with ActiveX protocols. Click the acceptance dialog box which appears underneath the address bar. The ActiveX protocol will automatically install and reload the page when finished.
