How to Convert GIMP to JPG

By Kylie Worthington

Saving images as .JPG files in GIMP makes them easier to share.
i Burke/Triolo Productions/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

GIMP is a free image manipulation program that allows users to edit, create and enhance photos and graphics. By default, GIMP saves image files with the .xcf extension, which can only be opened by GIMP. Fortunately, converting those files to the more universal .jpg files is quick and simple to do.

Step 1

Open the image in GIMP by clicking file, then choosing open and selecting the image.

Step 2

Click file and save as.

Step 3

Delete all the text in the name field. Replace it with your chosen file name, adding the .jpg extension at the end. For example, you may replace the file Picture.xcf with Picture.jpg.

Step 4

Click save.
