Different Ways to Copy and Paste

By Toni Grundstom

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The ability to cut and paste is available on most computer-based devices. There are various ways to cut and paste on a Macintosh computer, Windows PC, iPad and cell phone. This is a simple process once you know what the steps are.


On an Apple computer you can use the keyboard to accomplish many tasks with shortcuts for commands, such as cut and paste. To begin, locate the "Apple" button on the left side of the space bar. Place the cursor at the beginning or end of the text, left-click on the mouse, hold it down then move the mouse to highlight the text. Hold the "Apple" button down and push the "X" on the keyboard to cut the selected text. Paste the text by placing the cursor where you want the text to go then hold the "Apple" button down and push the "V" on the keyboard.


Highlight the text you want to cut by holding down the left mouse button and move the mouse over the text you wish to cut. Place the cursor over the highlighted area and press the right mouse button. Select the "Cut" option. You can also use the "Edit" button and select "Cut." Paste text by placing the cursor where you want to insert it, hit the right mouse button and select "Paste." An alternate way is to use the "Edit" button and select "Paste." Use the shortcut method by highlighting the text and pressing the "Control" and "X" buttons to copy then place the cursor where you want to paste and press the "Control" and "V" buttons.


Place your finger on the screen right above the text you want to cut. Hold it in place for a few seconds until the "Cut," "Copy" and "Paste" icons appear. Drag your finger over the entire text you wish to cut then press the "Cut" icon. Press and hold your finger where you want to paste the text. When the "Paste" icon appears, press it to complete the paste function.

Motorola Droid

Tap your finger at the beginning of the text you wish to cut and hold it for approximately two seconds. Drag your finger across the text you want to cut when the "Select Text" menu appears. Hold your finger down on the highlighted text and select "Cut." Navigate to where you want to paste the text, press and hold it for two seconds then tap the "Paste" option.
