How to Create a Closing Binder in PDF
By John Granby
A closing binder is most often associated with a legal transaction or some other business arrangement that involves a large number of documents. Rather than printing off physical copies of documents to pass out to each party, an electronic copy of each separate document may be combined into a single binder, which contains each document. Adobe Acrobat provides this capability along with other security features, such as password protection, if this is required.
Step 1
Launch Adobe Acrobat then click File | Create PDF | Merge files into a single PDF.
Step 2
Click "Add Files" and navigate to your files to add files to the binder. Alternately you can add entire folders of documents using the "Add Folders" selection.
Step 3
Organize the order of your files if you need to do so by clicking the filename in the list and clicking the "Move up" or "Move down" button to change its location.
Step 4
Click "Combine Files" to create a single PDF from your document list. Enter the filename you want to use for your binder and click "Save."
- The steps in this article apply to Windows 8 and Adobe Acrobat version XI. The steps may be different for other versions.
Writer Bio
John Granby began his writing career in 2000 as a founding member of a tech industry website targeted at WAP developers. He has provided in-depth coverage of the wireless industry, served as a speaker at several conferences and authored a book on Bluetooth. Granby earned a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering from Purdue University.