How to Check if AHCI Mode Is Properly Enabled

By Alan Sembera

AHCI mode speeds up data swapping on your hard drive.
i John Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Checking to see if the Advanced Host Controller Interface mode is enabled is a good step toward optimizing your computer's performance, as this mode increases the speed at which your computer communicates with your hard drive. Windows uses AHCI by default, but it may not be enabled if your BIOS wasn't set properly during installation of the operating system. Check if you're using AHCI mode by viewing the list of controller drivers. If AHCI is not enabled, you can enable it by changing your registry and BIOS settings.

Step 1

Press "Windows-X" in Windows 8, and then select "Device Manager." In Windows 7 or Vista, click the "Start" button, type "device manager" into the search box, and then press "Enter."

Step 2

Click the arrow next to "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers" to display the list of controller drivers currently used by your system.

Step 3

Check for an entry that contains the acronym "AHCI." If an entry exists, and there is no yellow exclamation mark or red "X" over it, then AHCI mode is properly enabled. If you don't see an "AHCI" entry, or the only entry contains a red or yellow mark, then there's a problem and AHCI mode is not properly enabled.
