How to Change the Capitalization of My Twitter ID

By David Nield

Your Twitter ID helps to define your identity on the micro-blogging network.
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The capitalization of your Twitter ID, like the ID itself, is up to you and can be modified at any time through your profile settings. Changing the capitalization of your ID does not affect your followers, your Tweets or anything on your Twitter profile except the ID displayed underneath your avatar. Replies sent to you in the future will adopt the new capitalization format automatically, though replies using the old format will still work and appear in your Connect tab.

Step 1

Log in to Twitter and click the gray gear icon. Select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.

Step 2

Click inside the Username field to make changes to the capitalization of your ID. You can change your ID at the same time if you wish, as long as your new ID has not already been claimed by another Twitter user (if this is the case, an alert stating "Username has already been taken" will appear.)

Step 3

Scroll down to the foot of the page, and then click "Save Changes." The new capitalization format is applied, and your Twitter URL is updated accordingly.
