How to Become a Phone Tester

By Bianca Bumpres

Phone testers evaluate usability.
i woman talking on cell phone / mobile phone image by Katrina Miller from

A phone tester is someone who tests phone features and applications for different phone or product testing companies. Testing may be done to improve features before public release, or after release, in exchange for a review. A phone tester might evaluate aspects like user friendliness, battery life, digital camera capability and global positioning systems (GPS) just to name a few. Phone testing will probably not earn you a living. In some cases there is small compensation. More often you get to keep the product you test or receive some small reward like a gift card.

Find a reputable company. One place to start is with your personal service provider by checking their websites. Phone companies, like AT&T, may post announcements for phone testing opportunities open at the time.

Network on technology websites or blogs where phone companies will sometimes post a call for testers.

Sign up at a product testing site and include phones in your preferences.
